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Marshall Garcia

Happy Pride Month from STEM From!

STEMFrom would like to wish everyone a splendid Pride month! We at STEMFrom are dedicated to inclusivity and diversity. We believe the LGBTQ+ community is integral to the continuous innovations in the world of STEM. Considering recent events, the community is struggling to find support both inside and outside of the STEM industry. 

Pride Month is here! Read our blog to explore the history, significance, and ways to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community in STEM

In the STEM world, “LGBTQ+ people are estimated to be 20% less represented in STEM fields than statistically expected and are less likely than non-LGBTQ+ people to stay in STEM majors and earn STEM degrees.” While some geographic areas are more progressive than others, there are many battles going on that some of us aren’t aware of. So how can we improve these numbers and advocate for the community, all while promoting change? Today we will be highlighting a few ways you can help the LGBTQ+ STEM community this Pride month! 

Practicing Intersectionality 

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, intersectionality is “the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences of marginalized individuals or groups.”

STEM From-Join us in honoring Pride Month. Our blog features LGBTQ+ history, influential figures, and how you can support the community today-LGBTQinSTEM

Statistically, the STEM community is dominated by cis men, who make up 73% of all STEM workers. Practicing and teaching intersectionality amongst LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals allows us to dissect oppression and fight against it via shared experiences.  Please review STEM From’s podcast episode for a demonstration of intersectionality in the newest generation of STEM contributors.

Creating Inclusive Spaces 

As aforementioned, cis men account for most of the STEM industry. Creating spaces that promote and offer safety to all types of people encourages marginalized groups to pursue careers in STEM. Not only does it promote the notion of equality amongst all people, but it also allows for retention to be seamless for long-term periods. Workplaces where everyone’s identity is respected and taken seriously are imperative to the LGBTQ+ community, POC, and any other group of minorities.   

Connect and thrive! Discover how LGBTQ+ networking can empower your career and personal growth. Find tips, resources, and inspiring stories in our latest blog-STEMFrom


Since the LGBTQ+ presence in STEM is scattered and limited, networking is imperative to improving diversity in the industry. Exchanging information at events and seeking out individuals on sites such as LinkedIn can greatly broaden one’s horizons, and in turn, help broaden STEM! Again, look at STEM From’s podcast to show representation across these individuals.  

Spreading Awareness 

Be vocal! Voice discontent regarding the disproportionate numbers of women, minorities and the LGBTQ+ community in STEM versus men. Make posts on social media and discuss ways to improve the industry! Critique the current state of STEM! Use your platforms to make you and everyone’s voices heard! 

Did you find this post helpful? Stay tuned all June for more Pride posts! Let us know how you will be celebrating Pride in the comments below! Thank you for reading! 

STEM From Celebrate Pride Month


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Michal V
Michal V
Jun 16
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

thank you for advocating for queer spaces in stem in these trying times<3


Jun 16
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Happy Pride!!!

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