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Marshall Garcia

What Is Global Accessibility Awareness Day?

On May 16th it was Global Accessibility Awareness Day and we at STEM From recognize that current technology culture is far from being disability friendly and accessible.

STEM From celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day

We’ll be answering some common questions about the observation and what you can do to help the cause! 

Who founded GAAD? 

Joe Devon and Jennison Asuncion met by complete coincidence. Joe Devon made a blog post on November 27th, 2011, speaking out about his frustrations on the lack of accessibility knowledge available to the internet. Jennison Asuncion stumbled upon Joe's blog post and immediately contacted Joe on twitter. Jennison, an accessibility professional, and Joe would join forces and combine resources and networks to make Global Accessibility Awareness Day a reality. 

What does digital accessibility mean? 

“Digital accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them.” (Berkley Digital Accessibility Website)

In other words, if a site cannot be used by absolutely everyone—including disabled and impaired individuals—the website cannot be considered digitally accessible. There are many facets of digital accessibility, and many requirements that must be met for it to apply to a website.

What is the current state of digital accessibility? 

Despite screen readers becoming more available and accessibility movements spreading their messages further, the internet remains largely inaccessible to many disabled people. Many website designers prioritize aesthetics over accessibility, and it's not uncommon for websites to offer no caption support for videos or no alternative images for those with epilepsy or chronic migraines. Internet access is undoubtedly a necessity in our daily lives, and while improvements have been made, there is still a long way to go before disabled people can comfortably browse the web with ease.


A deaf individual speaking to a computer discussing improve digital accessibility

How can we help improve digital accessibility? 

There are various ways we can improve digital accessibility. Some of the best ways are meeting needs in the disabled community. For example, Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals need captioning for video media and visual cues to replace audio cues. People who are blind require alternate text descriptions to understand images and typically use keyboards to navigate interactive elements instead of mouses. Individuals who have learning disabilities and impairments should have clear screens, consistent navigation and plain language on websites they visit. These are some of many examples. 

How do I participate in GAAD? 

According to the GAAD website, the best way to participate is “moving from awareness to action.” On their website, they offer three tips to help you spring into action! 

    “1. Watch a Disability Awareness video. There are a lot to choose from both online and offline. To begin, here’s a 3-minute Disability Sensitivity video that has an audio described version, too. 
    2. Read about updated disability language. This is a great Disability Style Guide from the National Center on Disability and Journalism. Or, check out the book Demystifying Disability by Emily Ladau. 
   3. Incorporate your newfound knowledge into daily life. Once you’re ready for more, choose a topic from the following sections to journey onward. One step today leads to another and another.” 

They also suggest checking out for more ways to participate in GAAD!

How do I spread awareness? 

Spread awareness of the state of global accessibility by sharing it with your friends and family online. Donate to a charity for the disabled and encourage your loved ones to do the same. Look into volunteering with organizations that help disabled folk and offer your time to help make the world more accessible for them! 

We at STEM From are always looking for more ways to improve accessibility! Please leave suggestions and comments below and thank you for reading! Once again, happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day! 

STEM From celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day

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